The PEP produces an educational video series that highlights the grand mosaic of federal agency history. Every other week, we share a new video on our YouTube channel, each focusing on a particular federal agency. Our team of professional historians uses only trustworthy “.gov” sources, to guarantee the factual accuracy of every video. Additionally, we incorporate rare archival footage and images to unearth captivating, often overlooked narratives from these agencies’ historical records.

Watch the series on our YouTube channel
and subscribe now so you don’t miss future episodes!

Before starting our channel, PEP created a series of in-depth videos about three fascinating agencies: the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; the Environmental Protection Agency: and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. You can view those videos below as well!

History of the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


Meet Hardy the Beagle, a trained detector dog with the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service! Hardy and his fellow trained dogs protect us from the accidental import of plant and animal pests and disease. In this video, learn more about the how the federal agency APHIS began and how it helps keep us safe.

History and Your Federal Government: the EPA in the 1970s​


This is an engaging and thought-provoking snapshot of the Environmental Protection Agency as it saw itself in its crusading early years, featuring content from the inaugural issue of the EPA Journal and the EPA’s massive photographic project “Documerica.”

The Three Mile Island Crisis in 1979 (as told by Historian J. Samuel Walker)


The partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in 1979 remains the most significant accident in the history of U.S. nuclear power. Former historian for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), J. Samuel Walker, describes how senior NRC employee Harold Denton successfully led efforts to defuse the crisis. The video is enhanced with numerous fascinating historical photographs. U.S. Senate Historian Emeritus Don Ritchie conducted the interview.

The Public Education Project works with The National Council for History Education

The National Council for History Education (NCHE) has proven to be a valuable partner during the first year of PEP’s work.  After a briefing about the HISTORY@FEDGOV portal, they included a short promotional article about it, and a link to it in their “History Matters” membership newsletter in December 2020, January 2021, and February 2021.  The text of the piece, written by their Education Coordinator, included mention of the PEP:


Did you know that the federal government agencies have history offices that provide resources for the public? The Society for History in the Federal Government is a group of mostly federally employed historians, curators, and archivists. They have created a portal for people interested in history to explore the trove of resources available to the public that can be used to better understand the rich history of the federal government agencies! Protip: Give yourself some time; these resources are amazing.


Then, in late February 2021, they featured a blog post by Lee Ann Potter entitled “Adventures in Federal History” on their public website. And, they highlighted the blog in their March 2021 “History Matters” Newsletter. 


We look forward to continued collaboration!